Paragliding El Hierro

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Paragliding El Hierro

Paragliding El Hierro

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Popularity: 42 Views

Jan Feb Nov Dec

History of Maximum Temperatures | El Hierro

0°c 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

History of Daily Maximum Wind Speeds | El Hierro

0 kmh 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

History of Maximum Cloud Ceilings | El Hierro

0 m 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

History of Daily Rainfall Accumulations | El Hierro

0 mm 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

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Paragliding El Hierro

Where Paragliding | El Hierro | Spots map

The best spots of Paragliding | El Hierro


best Conditions N NNW NW NNE
H 1485 m rating 2/6 rarely used, scenic flight Direct link to flights function cIt(iIP) N027° 43' 42.16"   W018° 02' 33.19"© · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularity: 73 Views
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best Conditions WSW SW SSW
H 123 m rating 1/6 one flightlog, coastal soaring Region: Tacoron - SpainSee flights near this point [ 1 ]Site record : 5.0 kmLink to more information : -Sur del hierro N027° 40' 26.58"   W018° 01' 26.28"© · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularity: 72 Views
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El Hierro: Dos Hermanas

best Conditions N NNW NW WNW W
H 1350 m rating 4/6 regularly used, xc possible Direct link to flights function cIt(iIP) N027° 43' 58.97"   W018° 00' 26.04"© · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularity: 65 Views
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Sabinosa_Calle la Iglesia

best Conditions NNW NW WNW ENE NE NNE
H 290 m rating 3/6 regularly used, soaring, some xc possible. Toplanding or xc - Very few landing options below. Direct link to flights Region: Canary Islands - SpainSee flights near this point [ 14 ]Site record : 15.8 kmLink to more information : from the road or a volcanic pebble mountain above the road. Region: El Hierro West - SpainSee flights near this point [ 4 ]Site record : 8.0 kmLink to more information : -Blsck gravel near wine yard. Take off from North West to North East possible. Accropilots training area function cIt(iIP) N027° 44' 55.98"   W018° 06' 00.12"© · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularity: 60 Views
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Las Playas_Isora

best Conditions SSW S SSE SE ESE
H 1118 m rating 2/6 rarely used, thermal soaring, scenic flight. Toplanding possible Direct link to flights function cIt(iIP) N027° 44' 27.95"   W017° 57' 54.14"© · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularity: 58 Views
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El Golfo 600 m_Salida 600

best Conditions N NNW NW WNW NE NNE
H 567 m, HD 330 m / medium rating 3/6 regualarly used, soaring, xc possible Direct link to flights DHV Details anzeigen N027° 44' 42.90"   W018° 00' 44.53"© · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularity: 48 Views
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Mirador El Golfo 800 m_Salida 800 / Montana Colorada

best Conditions N NE NNE
H 800 m / medium rating 3/6 regularly used, soaring, xc possible Direct link to flights Region: null - SpainSee flights near this point [ 26 ]Site record : 10.4 kmLink to more information : - DHV Details anzeigen N027° 44' 23.67"   W018° 01' 49.93"© · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularity: 47 Views
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best Conditions S SSE SE ESE
H 1338 m rating 1/6 rarely used, short flights Region: - SpainFlüge in der Nähe dieses Punktes anzeigen [ 7 ]Fluggebietsrekord : 0.3 kmLink für mehr Information : - N027° 45' 28.69"   W017° 58' 46.16"© · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularity: 47 Views
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El Golfo 1200 m_Salida 1200_Jable San Salvador

best Conditions N NNW NW WNW NNE
H 1200 m rating 2/6 occasionally used, soaring, some xc possible Direct link to flights Region: Frontera - SpainSee flights near this point [ 33 ]Site record : 13.4 kmLink to more information : - function cIt(iIP) 3 Startplätze: 1) Altitud máxima del despegue 1340 m, con orientación Norte, Noreste. Ctra de Frontera a Valverde, en lo mas alto, ctra a decha, despegues imensos. 2) Altitud máxima del despegue 1100 m, con orientación Norte, Noreste. Ctra de Frontera a Valverde, en la subida 3) Altitud máxima del despegue 800 m, con orientación Norte, Noreste. Ctra de Frontera a Valverde, en la subida Accesos: Ctra de Frontera a Valverde, en lo mas alto, ctra a decha, despegues imensos. Hauptsächlich fliegt ihr den Kessel von 'El Golfo'. Und das am besten in der Zeit von Oktober bis in den April - denn da sind die Winde nicht so stark. Der Winter ist ja sowieso die beste Zeit, um dem heimischen Schuddelwetter zu entfliehen. Schwierigkeit Die Landemöglichkeiten sind nicht gerade allererste Sahne. Tiefhängende Wolken sind ebenso störend. Wissenswertes Fliegertreff:Kontakt: Club de Parapente Guelillas de El Hierro, Tel.: +34 (0) 922550896/ +34 (0) 922551005.Sonstiges:Touch Down Paragliding DHV Details anzeigen N027° 43' 52.73"   W018° 00' 55.71"© · last update 10/2021Feedback / Correction
Popularity: 37 Views
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