Travel guide Paragliding Iquique

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Paragliding Playa Lobito near Palo Buque

Paragliding Playa Lobito near Palo Buque

best Conditions

Wind Dir. : WNW W WSW SW SSW
Wind: Mini: 15| Maxi 25 kmh Gust Max : 35 kmh


This location features a small ridge approximately twenty meters high, making it suitable for flying in strong winds. The site benefits from a good laminar breeze, providing a smooth and consistent airflow. Although there are no flight logs available, it is occasionally used by paragliders as an alternative spot for strong wind conditions.
Popularity: 36 Views

Weather Forecast Paragliding Playa Lobito near Palo Buque

Where Paragliding | Playa Lobito near Palo Buque

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Travel guide Paragliding Iquique

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Paragliding Playa Lobito near Palo Buque
Eagles Paramoteur