Travel guide Paragliding La Reunion

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Paragliding Plaine des Gregues

Paragliding Plaine des Gregues

best Conditions

Wind Dir. : SSE SE ESE E ENE
Wind: Mini: 0| Maxi 30 kmh Gust Max : 35 kmh


Altitude: 925 m This site is occasionally used for paragliding. Region: Reunion - Reunion Site record: 8.4 km - Décollage de la Plaine des Grègues Directions: From St Joseph, take RD3 just before Pont Rivière des Remparts and follow the direction to Plaine des Grègues. Continue until you reach a cross followed by a left-hand junction. Turn left and continue for 1 km, then take the 'Fernando' path on the right. Follow the dirt path on the left by foot, then take the trail to the left and right as you ascend. More information: [FFVL Site]( --- Take off: Altitude: 948 m Location: Site of Bel-Air holiday resort Access: Coming from Petite Île, take CD 31. After the church, take Chemin Dauphin on the right. After about 800 m, turn left onto Chemin Denis Leveneur (not very easy to spot, about 300 m after the second hairpin curve on a straight line). The CD 3 will be perpendicular to you, turn right, then after 50 meters, take the Relay lane on the left. From there, you will cross the picnic area of the Relay. More information: [FFVL Structure](
Popularity: 110 Views

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