Travel guide Paragliding Castejon de Sos

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Paragliding Mirador Benasque

Paragliding Mirador Benasque

best Conditions

Wind Dir. : WNW W WSW SW SSW
Wind: Mini: 0| Maxi 30 kmh Gust Max : 35 kmh


Located at an altitude of 1430 meters with a height difference of 310 meters, this paragliding site is oriented towards the southwest. The takeoff area is grassy and relatively easy, though the slope is quite gentle. The site is accessible year-round but is rarely used and lacks maintenance. The landing zones are situated 1.37 km away at a meadow near a gas station and 1 km away at a meadow near Hotel Benasque. The midday breeze can be stronger here compared to Castejón de Sos due to the narrowing of the valley at this point. The site is not very forgiving with crosswinds, making takeoff potentially dangerous. Access to the site is via an asphalt road from Castejón de Sos, located 19 km away. The access trail starts just after crossing the bridge. For more information, you can contact Tandem Team at 974 55 34 47 or 679 74 68 44, or visit their website at For additional details, visit: [Zonas de Vuelo](
Popularity: 83 Views

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Paragliding Mirador Benasque