Travel guide Paragliding La Reunion

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Paragliding Makes 2000

Paragliding Makes 2000

best Conditions

Wind Dir. : WSW SW SSW
Wind: Mini: 15| Maxi 25 kmh Gust Max : 35 kmh


The paragliding site is located near the village of Les Makes, above St. Louis. To reach the take-off point, drive to Les Makes and then follow the road to La Fenêtre. The take-off is situated at a concrete bend on the right, approximately at 2000 meters altitude. Be cautious of rapid cloud formation. Pay special attention when the wind is coming from the North or East, as it can sometimes pass over the ridges, especially when the breeze is not established. The designated landing zone is at Les Platanes, with an elevation difference of 1110 meters. For more details, visit:
Popularity: 99 Views

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Paragliding Makes 2000
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