Travel guide Paragliding Bozeman

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Paragliding Johnson Canyon Johnson Creek, MT

Paragliding Johnson Canyon Johnson Creek, MT

best Conditions

Wind Dir. : WSW SW SSW
Wind: Mini: 0| Maxi 16 mph Gust Max : 21 mph


Located in Bozeman, Montana, USA, this paragliding site sits at an elevation of 2062 meters with a height difference of 340 meters. It is occasionally used for hike and fly activities and offers opportunities for thermalling. While it may not be the most popular site, it does provide good potential for cross-country (XC) flights. The site record for distance is 158.9 km.
Popularity: 31 Views

Weather Forecast Paragliding Johnson Canyon Johnson Creek, MT

Where Paragliding | Johnson Canyon Johnson Creek, MT

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Paragliding Johnson Canyon Johnson Creek, MT
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