Travel guide Paragliding La Reunion

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Paragliding Ile Réunion Colimacon 800

Paragliding Ile Réunion Colimacon 800

best Conditions

Wind Dir. : WNW W WSW SW SSW
Wind: Mini: 0| Maxi 30 kmh Gust Max : 35 kmh


Located in the region of St Leu, Réunion, this paragliding site is one of the most popular on the island. With an altitude of 772 meters and a height difference of 770 meters, it offers an easy and frequently used launch area. The site is known for its excellent conditions for cross-country (XC) flights, making it a favorite among paragliders. To reach the takeoff point, head 1 km north of St Leu towards the Corail Farm. Take the departmental road of Colimaçons. At the first intersection after Colimaçons, turn left towards Trois Bassins. When you reach CD13, turn right towards La Chaloupe. The takeoff area is located 1 km on the right. The takeoff area is at an altitude of 770 meters and is well-maintained, making it suitable for frequent use. The site record for distance is 57.6 km. For more information, you can visit the following links: - [YouTube Video]( - [La Ptite Gazette Article]( - [FFVL Site Information]( - [Flight Log]( The landing zone is at Kélonia.
Popularity: 116 Views

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Paragliding Ile Réunion Colimacon 800
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