Travel guide Paragliding Dolomites

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Paragliding Dantercepies West

Paragliding Dantercepies West

best Conditions

Wind Dir. : WSW SW SSW
Wind: Mini: 15| Maxi 25 kmh Gust Max : 35 kmh


At an altitude of approximately 2250 meters, this paragliding site in Val Gardena, Italy, is rarely used and primarily suited for soaring. There are many takeoff possibilities near the station, depending on the wind conditions. In calm wind conditions, head along the ridge for a few minutes towards the south and then take off towards the west. If there are light updrafts from the west, you can start directly from the gravel hill located to the west and fly along the slope. Be cautious of lee-side conditions when taking off. This location is generally quiet and you are likely to be undisturbed by other flyers. The cable car to access this site is the Wokenstein - Dantercepies (sometimes spelled Danterceppies). Flight: From the takeoff point, head west, gain some altitude, then use the left ridge to gain more height before continuing your flight towards the nearby Sella massif. Difficulty: Pay attention to the west/east wind systems of the Grödner Joch. Attention Hang Gliders: There are no recommended landing spots in the immediate vicinity. While there are a few meadows between ski lifts or at the sports field in St. Ulrich where you could land in an emergency, it is not ideal and certainly not enjoyable. It is unclear why this area is marked as suitable for hang gliders. Live-Cam: [Dantercepies Live Cam](
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