Travel guide Paragliding Castejon de Sos

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Paragliding Castejon de SOS Intermediate

Paragliding Castejon de SOS Intermediate

best Conditions

Wind Dir. : WSW SW SSW
Wind: Mini: 0| Maxi 30 kmh Gust Max : 35 kmh


Altitude: 1,720 meters. Landing: 900 meters. Elevation difference: 820 meters. Orientation: Southwest. Coordinates: 31T 296765E / 4711565N. Distance to landing site: 3.2 km. Usable from March to December; access outside these dates is difficult due to snow. The takeoff area is grassy but requires a very specific direction for takeoff. A long takeoff run is not possible due to the gentle slope, which could hinder the takeoff. The wind direction must be perfectly aligned; otherwise, takeoff becomes difficult and not advisable. This site is most frequently used when the wind at higher takeoff points is too strong or access is hindered by snow. From Castejón de Sos, the site is 15 km away, with 4 km of asphalt road and 11 km of track in fair to poor condition. Access time is approximately 30 minutes by 4x4 or van; it is not recommended to use a regular car. For more information, contact: Phone: 974 55 34 47 Mobile: 679 74 68 44 Email: Website: Address: Av Ral nº 48 bajo, Castejón de Sos, 22466 (Huesca)
Popularity: 89 Views

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Paragliding Castejon de SOS Intermediate