Travel guide Paragliding Castejon de Sos

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Paragliding Castej贸n de Sos alternative

Paragliding Castej贸n de Sos alternative

best Conditions

Wind Dir. : WNW W WSW SW
Wind: Mini: 15| Maxi 25 kmh Gust Max : 35 kmh


Elevation: 2,250 meters, Height Difference: 1,350 meters This site is rarely used for flights. Take-off: The take-off area is versatile, accommodating almost all wind directions. It features a large grassy area suitable for launches in any orientation. Mornings are particularly popular for take-offs before the breeze becomes defined. Be cautious when launching towards the NE, as the valley may experience dangerous North winds. The safest and most dominant wind direction is from the SW. If the wind is strong or from any other direction, it can be hazardous. Landing Distance: 4.8 km Usage Dates: May to November. Outside these dates, access is often hindered by snow. Access: From Castej贸n de Sos, the site is 18 km away, with 4 km of asphalt road and 14 km of track in fair to poor condition. The access time is approximately 45 minutes by 4x4 or van; it is not recommended to use a regular car. A 5-minute downhill walk is required to reach the take-off point. For more information, contact: Phone: 974 55 34 47 Mobile: 679 74 68 44 Email: Website: Address: Av Ral n潞 48 bajo, Castej贸n de Sos, 22466 (Huesca)
Popularity: 67 Views

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