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Paragliding Canalda  Cavallera

Paragliding Canalda Cavallera

best Conditions

Wind Dir. : SSW S SSE
Wind: Mini: 0| Maxi 30 kmh Gust Max : 35 kmh


Canalda, located between the flying areas of Berga and Organyà in Spain, offers a remote yet beautiful paragliding experience with excellent cross-country potential. The launch site is situated directly above flat meadows. After take-off, it is crucial to keep to the ridge and avoid flying straight over the house. The take-off area is a gentle meadow, but it is not possible to take off directly to the south. Pilots must turn sharply to the west immediately after lift-off. The site is easy to navigate and offers a serene flying experience. For landing, top-landing is preferable. Large meadows directly beneath the take-off area are suitable for this, but avoid flying over the farmhouse and the falconry. During the approach, stay eastward and avoid being blown over the eastern end of the landing field, which is a steep hillside. Access to the site is by car via the secondary road L-401 between St. Llorenç de Morunys and Coll de Nargó. This site is known for its strong thermals and great XC potential. It has even hosted the Spanish and Catalonian championships in 2007. However, due to its remote location, it is only occasionally used. For more information, visit: [Canalda Paragliding](
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Paragliding Canalda  Cavallera