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Paragliding Bellemène Saint-Paul

Paragliding Bellemène Saint-Paul

best Conditions

Wind Dir. : N NNW NW WNW W
Wind: Mini: 0| Maxi 30 kmh Gust Max : 35 kmh


Altitude: 730 meters above sea level. Located in the heights of Saint-Paul, this site is occasionally used but offers good cross-country (XC) potential and an easy launch. The site is a private hillside-school owned by AZURTECH hang-gliding school, but access is free for all qualified and insured pilots. It is also an official takeoff point for local and international competitions. Flight Schedule: You can either stay and play over the school slope or soar along the cliff before landing at Savannah or Tour des Roches landing grounds. Be cautious, as reaching the cliff from the top of the school slope is impossible without thermal currents for some wings. Additionally, there is a medium tension electric line on the way, making it suitable only for experienced pilots. For others, it is recommended to take off from the 920, which is safer. For more information on flights, you can check the Coupe Fédérale de Distance (CFD) flights.
Popularity: 102 Views

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Paragliding Bellemène Saint-Paul
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