Travel guide Paragliding Ager

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Paragliding Ager Tablones

Paragliding Ager Tablones

best Conditions

Wind Dir. : SSW S SSE
Wind: Mini: 0| Maxi 30 kmh Gust Max : 35 kmh


Altitude: 1313 meters, Height Difference: approximately 670 meters. This site is considered easy to fly. This location is regularly used and offers some potential for cross-country (XC) flights. It serves as an alternative launch site and is mainly used by the Albatros school/club. Flights in this region are common. The site is located in Spain. The site record is 59.1 km. The orientation is south. It is important to avoid using this site with west winds. This launch is particularly useful when the northern meteorological wind prevents takeoff from the summit. The elevation difference to the camping area is 550 meters, and to the Camp de la T, it is 500 meters. For more information, you can visit [Paragliding Spain](
Popularity: 69 Views

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