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Paragliding Ager Raudoral La Nova

Paragliding Ager Raudoral La Nova

best Conditions

Wind: Mini: 0| Maxi 30 kmh Gust Max : 35 kmh


This paragliding site, situated at an altitude of 1228 meters with a height difference of 469-550 meters, is occasionally used and offers a low launch. Despite its infrequent use, it provides good cross-country flying opportunities. For more detailed information, you can refer to Coll d'Ares. The takeoff area is located on the Montsec mountain range in Spain. It features a clean, fairly steep launch site that accommodates one paraglider at a time, while another prepares. The takeoff faces south and is the first to catch the breeze as the slope heats up. However, it is crucial to avoid this site when there is an east wind, as it becomes leeward and unsafe to use. The height difference to the camping landing field is 500 meters. The GPS coordinates for the site are 31T 312693, 4656422. For more information, you can visit: [Wikiloc - Paragliding Site](
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Paragliding Ager Raudoral La Nova