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Candi Dasa in Bali, Indonesia offers a unique paragliding experience with an altitude difference of 225 meters and flight distances ranging from 1,000 to 4,700 meters. This site is known for its excellent coastal soaring conditions, although it sees relatively few logged flights. The views are spectacular, and on a lucky day, you might have the mountain all to yourself. The take-off point is located on a hilltop with black sand, which is about a 30-minute walk from the coast. The slope faces east, and the best flying season is from May to October. The landing zone is situated on the black sand beach. The wind and thermal conditions can be challenging, making this site suitable for pilots with some experience. The difficulty level is rated at 2, indicating that it is moderately challenging.
For more detailed information, you can contact Ketut, a local expert at Timbis who can provide additional insights and assistance. For further details, you can visit: - [Fly Bali]( - [Paralayang]( Additionally, you can watch videos of the site here:

For those who prefer a more relaxed flying experience over strenuous trekking, Timbis is a great alternative to Candi Dasa . there is a small hike roughly 10 mins up a steepish hill
best Conditions:
Wind: Mini: 15| Maxi 25 kmh Gust Max : 30 kmh
Direction: SSE SE ESE

Created 30 May 2024 by Kiteslave