Travel guide Paragliding Verbier

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Paragliding Verbier_Savoleyres

Paragliding Verbier_Savoleyres

best Conditions

Wind Dir. : SSW S SSE SE ESE
Wind: Mini: 0| Maxi 25 kmh Gust Max : 30 kmh


Savoleyres, situated at an altitude of 2340 meters, is a launch site that faces the morning sun, making it ideal for early launches. This site is particularly known for long-distance flights, including the renowned Round the Mont-Blanc flight. Access to the take-off point is convenient via cable car or road, followed by a short 15-minute walk. The launch area is a steep meadow, surrounded by some overhead power lines, so caution is advised. The best time to fly here is in the morning when conditions are most favorable for soaring. Coordinates: 7.20902371, 46.11966182 To reach the launch site, take the gondola from Verbier to Savoleyres and then walk to the take-off point. The site is rated as medium difficulty and is primarily used for cross-country flights and beautiful soaring experiences.
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