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Paragliding Pass Creek upper launch

Paragliding Pass Creek upper launch

best Conditions

Wind Dir. : WSW SW SSW
Wind: Mini: 0| Maxi 16 mph Gust Max : 21 mph


Pass Creek in Montana, USA,  This site is occasionally used and is known for its hike-and-fly opportunities and potential for good cross-country (XC) flights. The main landing zone (LZ) is  located 300 feet below the lower launch, across the road. There are various landing options, but all LZs are unimproved and covered with sagebrush, so it's advisable to walk the LZs before flight. To access the site, park on the west side of Rocky Mountain Road, about a mile past Morgan Road. Be mindful not to block the wire gate. An American flag in the nearby cemetery can serve as a wind indicator. Note that you must have a State of Montana recreation permit to hike and fly on state lands.The  lower launch is a flat area on the hillside with room to set up and kite before launching. The Midway Launch, located above and north of the lower launch, (rarely used) is suitable for west to southwest winds and shares the same landing zones as the Training Hill Launch. For more advanced pilots (P3 recommended), the Upper Launch can be reached by hiking southeast from the Midway Launch. The primary launch direction here is south, but it can also be launched west to fly over the Training Hill Launch and back to the parking area. The landing zones are surrounded by private land, please get a site briefing before flying here. The Hazards to be aware of include barbed wire fences around the LZ areas, uneven terrain with clumps of sagebrush, and potential target shooting in the area. Midday conditions can generate strong thermic activity, so consider wind speed and direction to avoid rotor. For more detailed information, you can visit the following links: - Fly Bozeman Club: [Fly Bozeman]( - Site Guide: [Pass Creek Site Guide]
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