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Paragliding Oly Olympus, UT

Paragliding Oly Olympus, UT

best Conditions

Wind Dir. : NNW NW WNW
Wind: Mini: 0| Maxi 16 mph Gust Max : 21 mph


Located at an elevation of 1681 meters with a height difference of 105 meters, this site offers an easy takeoff and good potential for thermal soaring, especially with the right wind direction and strength. The thermals on the ridge can enable excellent thermal soaring to start cross-country flights. However, higher takeoff options are not recommended. This site is suitable for pilots of any rating, but you must have very good tight landing skills due to the challenging landing zone. Cross-country flights of up to 13 miles to the “Point” are commonly achieved during the summer months. The region is in the USA, and the site record is an impressive 94.7 km. This is a very advanced mid-day thermal site and a local favorite for late evening flights, often referred to as the 'Milk Run.' For more detailed information, you can refer to the Utah Site Guide: [Utah Site Guide]( This thermal site allows flights from Mount Olympus to the North Side, Point of the Mountain. Note that the upper launch is off-limits, and only P-4 rated pilots should attempt it due to the very tight and hazardous landing zone, which includes obstructions, slopes, big rocks, trees, power lines, and houses. The launch is just below the wilderness boundary, so launching any higher is not permitted. Directions to the site: From Wasatch Blvd, head east on Fortuna Dr., then south on Mile High Dr. For additional flying sites, visit [Two Can Fly](
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