Travel guide Paragliding Castejon de Sos

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Paragliding Llisat

Paragliding Llisat

best Conditions

Wind Dir. : ESE E ENE NE NNE
Wind: Mini: 0| Maxi 30 kmh Gust Max : 35 kmh


Located in the Castejon de Sos region of Spain, this paragliding site offers a range of takeoff options and the potential for cross-country flights. The takeoff altitude ranges from 1880 to 2080 meters, with a height difference of approximately 1000 meters. The site is regularly used and features a very large grassy takeoff area, which is particularly favorable in the morning. By midday, the breeze can cause the wind to come at a 90-degree angle to the slope, making takeoff more challenging. The main takeoff point is at an altitude of 1920 meters, with the landing zone at 900 meters, resulting in a vertical drop of 1020 meters. The takeoff orientation is NNE, and the coordinates are 31T 289175E / 4715062N. The distance to the El Raso landing zone is 5.6 km. If you have sufficient altitude, you can pass either in front of or above the Bordas takeoff. However, if you are significantly lower, reaching the El Raso landing zone may be difficult, although it is the usual landing spot for this flight. Alternatively, you can land in front of the "La Casa del Río" hotel. Be cautious of the power line that needs to be overflown; the upper cable is the thinnest and hardest to see. There are many alternative meadows available if you cannot reach the official landing zone. With a north wind, the flight can become turbulent and dangerous, making it wise to avoid takeoff under such conditions. Access to the site from Castejon de Sos involves 5 km of road and 11 km of track, which is in fair to poor condition. The access time is approximately 40 minutes by 4x4 or van, and it is not recommended to use a regular car. From the watering trough, it takes 0 to 15 minutes on foot to reach the takeoff point. For more information, you can contact: Phone: 974 55 34 47 Mobile: 679 74 68 44 Email: Website: [Tandem Team]( Address: Av Ral nº 48 bajo, Castejón de Sos, 22466 (Huesca), Spain
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