Travel guide Paragliding Jersey

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Paragliding l'Etacq (Cliffs)

Paragliding l'Etacq (Cliffs)

best Conditions

Wind Dir. : W WSW
Wind: Mini: 9| Maxi 16 mph Gust Max : 21 mph


For West winds. Can be turbulent but is a dramatic area with steep cliffs. 

Top landing OK. Bottom landing available as fairly small stoney beach.

This coastal soaring site offers good flying conditions, although no flight logs are available. Before flying, contact the local club at [this link]( Watch a video of the site [here]( More details can be found [here]( The launch site is located towards the southern edge of the ridge, with a dusty ground surface and nearby car parking. The takeoff height is 240 feet, and while generally manageable, the rough, steep cliff faces can occasionally cause slight turbulence. Optimal wind direction for this site is between 250° and 280° to ensure it hits the cliff face directly. For weather updates, visit [this link]( The takeoff direction is WSW, and it is quite easy to manage. Landing is challenging due to solid rocks below, making it suitable only for top landing. Pilots can fly back and top land on the Jersey Model Aero Club landing strip. While the site offers great views, it lacks the excitement of others and has very little thermal lift. Pilots can see large German artillery gun barrels that were thrown over the Grosnez cliff at the end of the war. Flight regulations require maintaining 150 feet ATO. For further assistance, contact Nick at 01534 863972.
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