Travel guide Paragliding Iquique

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Paragliding Iquique Palo Buque Bola de Fogo

Paragliding Iquique Palo Buque Bola de Fogo

best Conditions

Wind Dir. : W WSW SW SSW
Wind: Mini: 0| Maxi 30 kmh Gust Max : 35 kmh


Elevation ranges from 490 to 690 meters. This site is occasionally used for paragliding, offering opportunities for soaring, thermalling, and cross-country flights. There are multiple takeoff options suitable for different wind directions and strengths. However, the site is not accessible by public transportation. During the high season, you might be able to team up with other pilots for a ride or share a taxi if you can provide the driver with directions. Flights in this region have been recorded, with a site record of 19.7 km. For more details, you can check the following links: - [Flight Record 1]( - [Flight Record 2]( Thermal and dynamic conditions are present. The site is located 15 km south of Iquique at La Gran Duna de Palo Buque. This magnificent location allows for free flight, with the immense dune providing sufficient thermals to lift you off the ground without the need for a high takeoff. For local contacts: - Philip Maltry: - Hernan Figueroa:
Popularity: 32 Views

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