Travel guide Paragliding Castejon de Sos

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Paragliding Cervin  Camp贸

Paragliding Cervin Camp贸

best Conditions

Wind Dir. : SSW S SSE SE ESE
Wind: Mini: 0| Maxi 30 kmh Gust Max : 35 kmh


Altitude: 1,550-1,615 meters, Height Difference: approximately 800 meters This site is occasionally used for hike & fly, thermal soaring, and cross-country (XC) flights. There are many takeoff options available. Region: Camp贸, Spain. The site record is 110.9 km. For more details, visit: [Wikiloc]( Altitude: 1,630 meters Landing: 700 meters Height Difference: 930 meters Orientation: South Coordinates: 31T286710E/4702037N Distance to Campo landing: 3.3 km Usage Dates: May to November. Outside these dates, access may be hindered by snow. A 4x4 vehicle may be required depending on track maintenance. The terrain is very rocky. The takeoff area is a vast expanse of grass and gorse. Be cautious of strong thermal conditions combined with strong winds at the ridge around midday. Good conditions at takeoff may contrast with strong breezes at the landing site. Summer offers good restitution flights, making for pleasant and easy flights in the afternoon. At the summit, there is a complex of antennas and a power line to the right, which do not interfere with flights. The Campo landing site is quite far; ensure you maintain sufficient altitude to reach it, although there are alternative meadows for landing. There is a non-electrified high-tension line just before reaching the valley, usually flown over with sufficient height. This is the only takeoff site in the Campo area. From Castej贸n de Sos, the total distance is 20 km, with 12 km on the road and 10 km on a track in fair to poor condition. It is not recommended to drive up with a regular car. For more information, contact: Phone: 974 55 34 47 Mobile: 679 74 68 44 Email: Website: [Tandem Team]( Address: Av Ral n潞 48 bajo, Castej贸n de Sos, 22466 (Huesca) The Cervin is impressive at 4,477 meters and suitable for flying with some practice, offering a height difference of 900 meters.
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Paragliding Cervin  Camp贸