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Paragliding Castillonroy

Paragliding Castillonroy

best Conditions

Wind Dir. : WSW SW SSW
Wind: Mini: 0| Maxi 30 kmh Gust Max : 35 kmh


Located in the picturesque region of Castillonroy, Spain, this paragliding site offers an exciting experience for enthusiasts. The take-off point is situated at an altitude of 655 meters, with a height difference of 200 meters, making it a frequently used spot for thermal soaring and cross-country (XC) flights. The site has seen flights extending up to 61.6 km, showcasing its potential for long-distance paragliding. To get there, Castillonroy is accessible via the N-230 road, positioned at the edge of the Catalonia and Aragon regions. The take-off area is reachable by car from the road connecting Baldellou and Castillonroy. The landing zone is conveniently located just below the take-off point, although the area is also suitable for longer flights towards the East or Northeast. The village of Castillonroy offers various amenities, including places to eat, drink, and bathe, as well as a hostel for overnight stays. This location is also home to the renowned Ktxadorada community. For more detailed information, you can visit the following pages: - [Castillonroy Official Page]( - [Ktx2 Paragliding Community]( - [Zonas de Vuelo]( The take-off area is at an altitude of 650 meters, facing South to Southwest, and is easily accessible. From the N-230 road between Lerida and Viella, take the turn-off for Castillonroy after passing Alfarrás. Cross the village towards Baldellou for about 4 km, then take the turn marked "quarry," make a 180° turn, and follow the well-maintained path for 3 km to reach the take-off point, which is just 100 meters away along a small path to the right. The maximum elevation difference is 250 meters, and you can land wherever you prefer. Parking coordinates: - Takeoff parking: 41.8951 N, 0.5331 E - Landing parking: 41.8894 N, 0.5286 E
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Paragliding Castillonroy