Guide de voyage Parapente Jersey

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Parapente Bonne nuit

Parapente Bonne nuit

Conditions Optimales

Dir. vent : N NNE
Vent: Mini: 9| Maxi 16 mph Rafale Max : 22 mph
Marée: Mini:0 | Maxi 0 m
Point de marée: bonne_nuit


Biggest and highest site on the island. The take off is on private land and is used by kind permission of the owner.

North to NNE winds, For such a large site it has a strangely narrow direction band after which it can be turbulent.

Take off is easy. Top-landing OK unless in higher winds as it is in a strong lift band. If it gets too strong land in a field behind the road. Bottom landing is tricky - a narrow stoney beach that disappears at high tide.

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Bonne Nuit Bay offers a unique coastal soaring experience. The launch site, situated at 450 feet above mean sea level, is the highest on the island. The smooth grass launch area is located on the eastern side of the Bonne Nuit 'Bowl,' providing a significant lift band that allows for extended flights over the sea when winds are between 330° and 030°. If the wind drops unexpectedly, the gentle slope allows for side landings, and there is usually some beach available as a last resort. A cliff path about a third of the way up the face facilitates easy recovery from side landings. One of the perks of this site is the convenience of landing on the beach, packing up your glider, and enjoying a meal at the nearby café. Friendly locals are often willing to chat about flying and may even offer a lift back to the launch site. On optimal days with winds between 350° and 010°, it is possible to cross the bay and soar the western side past La Saline. The cliffs here are steeper, making side or bottom landings challenging, but there are a few top landing areas available. The cliff path runs along most of the ridge, aiding in recovery. For paragliders, the site is primarily used for top landing due to the small landing area, although recent scrub clearance has improved conditions. Hang gliders (HGs) can use nearby large fields for top landing or the Les Platons top landing area. Parking is available in a nearby car park, and paragliders can walk over from there. Hang gliders are better off heading to Les Platons, as it ends up being the same site once airborne. For more information, contact Nick at 01534 863972. Weather updates can be found at: Before flying, please contact: Watch a video of the site: Additional details: 
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