Travel guide Paragliding Castejon de Sos

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Paragliding Baciero

Paragliding Baciero

best Conditions

Wind Dir. : SSW S SSE SE
Wind: Mini: 0| Maxi 30 kmh Gust Max : 35 kmh


Located in the Huesca region of Spain, this paragliding site sits at an elevation of 1950 meters. It is primarily used for hike and fly activities, though it is not a frequently visited spot. The site offers some opportunities for cross-country (XC) flights, with the site record being a 9.2 km flight. Expect a roughly 2-hour hike to reach the launch point before you can take off. For more information on paragliding in the Huesca region, you can visit [Huesca Paragliding](
Popularity: 63 Views

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Travel guide Paragliding Castejon de Sos

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Paragliding Baciero